





能這樣做,固然大有裨益,但正如良藥苦口、忠言逆耳,這做法要付出大量精力和時間,要堅持還真不容易,特別是在疲累的時後。小時候讀《A Little Princess》時,就非常喜歡那位女主角,覺得她辛勤工作一整天後,還能餓著肚子在晚上學習,實非常人所能及。對一般人而言,較簡單輕鬆的選擇是什麼呢?自然是看電視、刷手機、玩電腦。



A Dystopian Dream

I just had a dystopian dream, not sure if it’s related to all these discussions concerning the gene-edited babies.

In my dream, I was a security guard of a residential building. One day, just by some random chance, I decided to take a look at the past recordings of the security cameras. And I noticed something really strange. In the recordings, I was always sitting there dutifully. I didn’t eat or drink. I didn’t sleep. I didn’t go to wash rooms. I was always sitting there, monitoring the screens closely.

I was deeply shocked, for I didn’t seem like a normal human being. Since when can humans exist without satisfying all these basic physiological needs? So I made an excuse, and hid at a place without security cameras. I started to inspect my body carefully, and discovered that there were many machines attached to it. After some trial and error, I managed to unplug several machines that were responsible for controlling my physiological needs.

Meanwhile, during the trial and error process, I pretended to work normally in order not to raise suspicions. All seemed to be back to normal, until the day when I encountered six people that look exactly the same as I do. I discovered that I was actually one of the clones of a scientist, a mad scientist who created many clones for performing human experiments. The other clones had decided to rise to rebellion, and they all pretended to be the real scientist. No one could distinguish between the scientist and the other clones, leading to the above scenario where six identical beings marched together.

As one of the clones, I was approached by some staff to consult on my opinions on who is the real scientist. I didn’t know the answer as well, but I recognized two of the clones. I purposely nominated one of the clones to be the real scientist. Satisfied by my cooperation, the staff decided to leave me alone. And I continued to lead a « normal » life.




